May 18, 2010


Here are the tea jokes.

What does a teapot say to its lover? O, dajarling!

What is a baby teapots favourite game? Pekoe-boo.

How long does it take to ship tea from China by slow boat? Oolong Time!

What does a teapot say to her hairdresser? Don't teas!

What does the teapot say to its bag? I don't want another seep out of you!

What kind of music do teapots like? Jasmine

Why did the teapot wear a cozy? Cozy kept him warm.

Why must you be careful of tea at night? Because it might mug you.

What does a tea bag do when it's tired? It seeps.

What do lady teapots like to wear? String of Earls!

What's a teapots favourite folk tune? My Dajarling Clementine

Why did the teapot get in trouble? Because he was naughtea.

What did the teapot wear to bed? A nightea

Why did the tea get away? Because it was loose.

How does a tea bag seep? On its side

What's the teapots favorite movie? E.T.

An annoying waiter came and asked a couple what they would like to drink. They both ordered and the waiter went away to get their drinks. A few minutes later, he came back with two steaming cups of tea. He handed a cup to the woman and said: "This is yours - or is it not your cup of tea?!!!

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